Ashfield Boys High School

Here We Decide

Telephone02 9798 6620

Forms and Handbook

Click on the link below to download your respective form/s.

Absences: For all absences, a written explanation from a parent/guardian is required. If a note is not received within one week of an absence it will remain on school records as an unexplained absence. 

Please note: Absences can also be logged through Sentral. Simply access your account on the Sentral website or the app and submit the necessary information under the Absence tab. 

Download Absence Form


Early Leavers: If a student wishes to leave school early, he must present a note to one of the Deputy Principal's to be signed off.

Early Leavers Note


Late arrivals: If a student arrives late to school due to foreseen circumstances, he must present a note declaring his whereabouts and be signed by parent/guardian. 

Late Arrival Note


Extended Leave Requests: As part of the implementation of the National Standards, holidays taken by students outside of the school vacation periods will now be included as absences. A certificate of Exemption can no longer be granted for this purpose. 


Change of Address Form: It is important for all students’ contact details, emergency contacts, addresses and emails be up-to-date. Change of address form can be found here or from the Front Office E Block.

Change of Address Form