Click on the link below to download your respective form/s.
Absences: For all absences, a written explanation from a parent/guardian is required. If a note is not received within one week of an absence it will remain on school records as an unexplained absence.
Please note: Absences can also be logged through Sentral. Simply access your account on the Sentral website or the app and submit the necessary information under the Absence tab.
Early Leavers: If a student wishes to leave school early, he must present a note to one of the Deputy Principal's to be signed off.
Late arrivals: If a student arrives late to school due to foreseen circumstances, he must present a note declaring his whereabouts and be signed by parent/guardian.
Late Arrival Note
Extended Leave Requests: As part of the implementation of the National Standards, holidays taken by students outside of the school vacation periods will now be included as absences. A certificate of Exemption can no longer be granted for this purpose.
Change of Address Form: It is important for all students’ contact details, emergency contacts, addresses and emails be up-to-date. Change of address form can be found here or from the Front Office E Block.