Ashfield Boys High School

Here We Decide

Telephone02 9798 6620

Computing faculty

Graphic visual design (Computing) – Years 9 and 10 elective

Graphic/visual design is an elective course which provides students with the opportunity to make graphic/visual design artworks and develop a critical and historical interpretation of design and graphic communication.

Information and software technology – Years 9 and 10 elective

Students are provided with the knowledge of past, current and emerging technologies, data, hardware, software and people involved in the field of information and software technology.

Students develop information and software technology-based solutions through individual tasks and collaborative project work.

Options include authoring and multimedia, database design, digital media, the Internet and website development, networking systems and software development and programming

Information processes and technology – Years 11 and 12

Information processes and technology stage 6 course, teaches students about information-based systems. It covers the processes of collecting, organising, analysing, storing and retrieving, processing, transmitting and receiving, and displaying, as well as the technologies that support them.

The course is designed to enable students to become confident, competent, discriminating and ethical users of information technologies, to possess an understanding of information processes and to appreciate the effect of information systems on society.

Software design and development – Years 11 and 12

Software design and development provides students with the knowledge, values and communication skills required to develop computer programs. It also gives students a systematic approach to problem-solving, an opportunity to be creative, excellent career prospects and interesting content.

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