Ashfield Boys High School’s Gifted and Talented (GAT) program is dedicated to the different learning styles and unique individual needs of GAT students. Students in this program are identified as having a particular gift or talent in an academic or creative area of achievement. Students and parents are invited to submit an application and supporting documentation to be assessed for competitive entry into the GAT class.
The GAT program has three main aims:
- To identify, develop and extend a student’s particular talent or area of giftedness through a differentiated curriculum and individually tailored experiences.
- To ensure that GAT students exit school as well-rounded individuals who excel in areas outside their area of giftedness.
- To develop the leadership, emotional and social capabilities necessary for GAT students to excel in the 21st Century.
To get a quick overview of the program, see our Gifted and Talented flyer.
Entry Requirements
Students initially apply for this program by submitting a formal application with applicable supporting documentation. Students will be invited for a formal interview based on their application. Applicants are assessed to determine the nature of their gift or talent and their suitability for extended learning. The school will also take into account results of standardised ability tests, school reports, competitions and other forms of documentary evidence.
Entry to the GAT program and class at Ashfield Boys High School is NOT determined by a single test. The school uses a variety of measures to assess entry to the program. It is our belief that simple GAT identification tests miss many indicators of future success such as creativity, resilience, tenacity and critical thinking.
Entry into the GAT class is through application and assessment. Parents should complete an application for enrolment through their son's primary school as well as the GAT application form. Parents wishing to enrol their son in the GAT program in Years 8-12 should contact the school directly.
The GAT application form and supporting evidence can be submitted in the following ways:
- In person to the school's administration office.
- By email ashfieldbo-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au
All applications will be assessed and interviews arranged in early term 2 each year. Parents will be advised in writing of GAT placement in May each year.
The Ashfield Boys High School GAT program – individualised planning
The GAT program provides students with the opportunity to extend and challenge their abilities across all areas of the curriculum. Many students who have been identified as gifted in a certain area need specialist programming to further develop their skills in a balanced manner. The Ashfield Boys High School GAT program provides students with the opportunity to experience a challenging curriculum at a greater depth.
Students are placed in a GAT class in Year 7 and 8 with a differentiated curriculum. Individualised reflection and goal setting is a key feature of the program. By Stage 6 GAT Students will have access to an individual Success Coach. This Success Coach is nominated by the student and works with them to achieve their personal aspirations.
Building social intelligence and community awareness
Gifted children often show greater perceptiveness and sensitivity to the needs of others and the environment. The Ashfield Boys High School GAT program aims to encourage students to grapple with wider global issues along with solving challenging questions.
In order to develop social intelligence and community awareness, students will be required to work closely with others to complete cross-curricular projects. GAT students will be actively encouraged to pursue leadership and personal development opportunities, particularly in areas about which they feel strongly.
Teaching and learning in the Ashfield Boys High School GAT Program
Learning is differentiated to extend and challenge the abilities of all students. GAT students are further challenged with cross-curricular programs designed to refine existing skills and enrich teamwork, independent learning, and self-management and time-management skills.
Learning programs incorporate a range of written, oral and expressive tasks to extend the gifts and talents of individuals. As part of this holistic approach, students will be required to work both individually and as part of a team. Students will be provided with learning experiences which promote higher order cognition, analysis and critical thinking.
GAT students will be supported in using a variety of technologies to investigate areas of study and present learning products in a sophisticated manner.
Parental involvement
During Years 7 and 8, weekly team meetings will be held by the GAT team teachers to ensure a holistic approach to student learning is being achieved. Parents will have the opportunity to meet the team teachers at various stages during the school year.
Team teachers and the GAT Co-ordinator are always available for parents to contact about their son’s progress, goals or learning pathway.
Our School
Ashfield Boys High School is a recognised centre of excellence in boys’ education.
We are committed to providing all students with the opportunity to do their best and to maximise educational opportunities. Our programs across the whole school provide enriched learning experiences and extension opportunities. We have a sustained record of achieving exceptional HSC marks and a high rate of university entrance.
The school provides an extensive range of extra-curricular and cultural opportunities. Please see the information sheet for parents about our extra-curricular programs. A wide range of leadership activities provide students with real world experiences and the opportunity to test and develop their leadership skills.
Ashfield Boys High School provides opportunities in Drama, Music, Visual and Creative Arts, Industrial Technology, Theatresports, Schools Spectacular, a range of debating competitions and public speaking opportunities. The school has a highly successful band program supported by opportunities for individual musical tuition.
Sport programs at Ashfield Boys High School include a range of competitive grade as well as recreational sport. We compete in the elite North West Boys Zone against a highly competitive field of schools. Ashfield Boys High School holds swimming and athletics carnivals and also participates in representative cross carnivals, the CHS and knock-out competitions. Grade sports offered at the school include basketball, cricket, Futsal, Oztag, volleyball during the summer season and rugby union, football, tennis, lawn bowls, and badminton during the winter season.