Extra Curricular Activities
At Ashfield Boys HS we offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities beyond timetabled classes. We believe that the boys have a more rounded and successful education if they become involved with learning beyond the classroom. These activities provide students with a rich extended curriculum, multiple opportunities for learning and enhanced social development.
Students are actively encouraged to take part in at least some of the following opportunities. Unless indicated otherwise these activities operate weekly.
Student Representative Council
The SRC consists of student representatives from Years 7 - 12. The SRC is led by the elected Senior Prefects. The main aim is to give students at Ashfield Boys High a voice in the decision-making process of the school.
The SRC runs various activities, competitions, information sessions, volunteering and fundraising initiatives throughout the year. These are run by the boys for the boys and help to build our community both within the school and the wider community. The 2024 schedule is being developed and new opportunities will arise. Students involved in the leadership opportunities develop skills such as teamwork, public speaking, collaboration and cooperation
Homework Centre
The Homework Centre operates in the Library on Monday and Tuesday afternoons from 3:30pm – 4:30pm. Students have the opportunity to receive assistance and tutoring by teachers. Ex-students who have achieved outstanding HSC results and are at university also provide tutoring. Besides the tutoring, this relationship provides an excellent role model of success for the boys. Mr Tenefrancia coordinates the Homework Centre. The Homework Centre and tuition is free of charge.
Band Program
Students have the opportunity to join either one or multiple bands. The school has a variety of different bands to accommodate the widest range of interests and abilities. Boys with no prior musical tuition or who wish to learn an additional instrument can join the Training Band. The school offers a Concert Band, Stage Band, String Ensemble and Percussion Ensemble. The Vocal group performs on the main stage at Schools Spectacular every year.
Music Tuition
Music tutors are available for selected instruments at different times through the week depending on demand. Ms Small coordinates the music tuition program.
Drama Ensemble
This ensemble is open to talented actors for Year 8. It operates after school weekly and provide the skills and support for budding actors to home their craft.
Volunteering Program
We actively encourage students to develop their leadership and social skills through volunteering. Beyond personal benefits, this promotes the value of service to others. Students currently volunteer in a wide variety of charity events, assist the elderly with shopping through the Inner West Neighbourhood Aid scheme and work with Ashfield Council in bush regeneration and in providing tutoring to seniors in using their technology. Community Engagement Projects for 2024 included:
● Inner West Neighbour Aid ‘Shopping with Seniors’ – Year 9 & 10 Fortnightly
● Bush Care Regeneration Program with Inner West Council –Year 9 Monthly
● Cyber Seniors one to one Tutoring with Inner West Council – Year 9 & 10 – Term 2
….. more in the pipeline for 2024.
The Shakespeare group meets weekly to experience Shakespeare in performance. The group develops their understanding of Elizabethan language, drama and performance. Participants have the opportunity to compete in the Shakespeare Carnival or simply enjoy the Bard for the sheer joy of performance. The year culminates in a family and friend performance of a Shakespearean play.
Junior Creative Writing Program
The creative writing program runs after school for boys in years 7-10 who want to explore their creativity and improve their creative writing. Boys choose their own form and ideas – whether this be poetry, short story, drama or even if they are writing their own novel. The program provides a relaxed and supportive space to gain feedback, work shop ideas and get the advice of an English teacher.
Photography Club
Students who wish to expand their ability to create wonderful digital photographs have the opportunity to join the Photography Club. This club meets weekly after school and is run by Ms Jovicic.
Science Club
The Science Club meets fortnightly on Wednesdays at lunchtime to conduct exciting and engaging experiments. Students explore the world around them in a practical way, from discovering the microscopic world of bacteria to controlled explosions and physics experiments that are sure to fascinate.
Debating and Public Speaking
The school has an extensive and highly successful debating program which spans every year group. Debating teams have the assistance of a professional debating coach as well as teacher support. We field multiple teams in a range of debating and public speaking competitions.
The Business Lounge
This operates before school and provides a relaxed forum for students of HSIE Subjects to meet, exchange information and improve the breadth of their understanding about contemporary issues.
Chess is available every lunchtime in the library. A free chess club also runs every Thursday afternoon straight after school from 2:30 to 3:30 pm and is coached by a parent volunteer and chess champion, Thorin Munro. The school also offers the opportunity for students to participate in internal and external chess tournaments throughout the year.
SRC Competitions and Activities
The SRC runs a program of fun activities and competitions throughout the year. These are run by the boys for the boys. The 2022 schedule is being developed. In the past the SRC has run very popular Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokémon tournaments.
Sustainability Group
The sustainability group meets weekly to examine ways of making our school greener and more sustainable. In 2022 the group plans to work on the further greening of the playground, recycling and improving our sustainability. In 2019 the group oversaw the installation of 88kw solar panels to make the school carbon neutral. Mr Burford runs the sustainability group.
Marine Club
Marine club returns with a new group of aquatic creatures to observe and look after. Our focus this year will be on aquarium set up, maintenance, and care. The club also studies the health, characteristics and habits of the animals ensuring they are as comfortable as possible. Marine Club is run by the Science Faculty every fortnight.
Shakespeare Group
The Shakespeare group meets weekly to experience Shakespeare in performance. The group develops their understanding of Elizabethan language, drama and performance. Participants have the opportunity to compete in the Shakespeare Carnival or simply enjoy the Bard for the sheer joy of performance. The year culminates in a family and friend performance of a Shakespearean play.
Community Engagement Projects – Ms Marks
Inner West Neighbour Aid Seniors Festival Luncheon
Inner West Neighbour Aid ‘Shopping with Seniors’ – Year 10 Fortnightly
Bush Care Regeneration Program with Inner West Council –Year 9 Fortnightly
Senior Cyber one to one Tutoring with Inner West Council – Year 9 & 10
Biggest Morning Tea Fundraiser for Cancer Research –
Ashfield Council Daffodil Day Yrs 9, 10, 11 & 12
Legacy Badge Day Yrs 9, 10, 11 & 12